#152: American Jinos, Israelis, and the Election
November 17, 2020
Why do American Jews and Israelis have such different political inclinations?
American Jewry is absorbist (“assimilationist”), while Israeli Jewry is nationalist.
About 5,000 years ago, living among the Hittites, Abraham famously said to them, “I am a stranger and a sojourner with you.”
And until recently in living memory, all his descendants lived exactly as he did, as strangers and sojourners in foreign lands. The friendliness of those lands varied enormously, but even when it was there, it was never reliable. So, what were Jews to do and what are Jews to do now?
Their options have always been very limited: 1) remain unapologetically identifiable, 2) be absorbed (commonly called “assimilated”), or 3) escape to a friendlier venue. Each of these options has always had attendant costs and benefits.
All things considered, American Jews have seen option 2),
absorption, as the best. Putting it in religious terms, option 1) is that of
living Orthodox, which can be risky. Option 3) has involved a lot of risky
relocations and only in recent times has had the shelter of
On the other hand, in Israel, according to Wikipedia, in a “2010 a report released by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics showed that 8% of Israel’s Jewish population defines itself as ultra-Orthodox, 12% as Orthodox, 13% as traditional-religious, 25% as traditional, and 42% as secular, on a descending scale of religiosity.”
However you parse those numbers, it’s clear that Israeli Jews are anywhere from three to five times as religious as American Jews. This alone is enough to indicate two different cultures. One is thus tempted to ask:
Why are Israeli Jews more religious?
But this question is instructively wrong. The better question is:
Why are American Jews less religious?
I say that this is the revealing question because, on the face of
it, American Jews are making counter-intuitive political decisions which seem
to correlate with their (lack of) religiosity. The more religious they are, the
more their political stances make sense; the less religious, the less they make
sense. This has been the case since the Russian Revolution, but has never been
seen in such stark clarity as in the current presidential
And the answer, I think, is that absorption is seen as
the strategically most attractive option in the
And absorption inevitably involves abandoning the element which has unified the Jewish people over thousands of years, specifically their religion. This movement is supported by increasing marriage outside the faith, loss of Hebrew, and the collaboration of American rabbis with the anti-Semitic Protestant churches.
Alternatively, the state of
And one of the less appealing costs of absorption, an otherwise attractive option, is that of having to vote sometimes against your own interests. It’s simple, really: if you wanna be a member of our club, then our enemies are your enemies, whether you like them or not. That’s the deal! And give up that old-timey religion! It leads to nationalism, and we don’t like nationalists here, even if, or especially when, they’re Jews!
There’s a complex relationship here between religion, absorption, and nationalism. For more on Jewish nationalism and the international Left, see my blog post #143.
Staying alive suggests different decisions and such different decisions lead to different cultures. As the Tip O’Neill said, “All politics is local.” So, what are the local cultural differences?
Jews living in the
In other words, being blandly Jewish/Protestant secular has been incentivised by the American environment and Jews have predictably responded positively to this offer: give up your identity and enjoy the material benefits of success.
The numbers seem to suggest that Israelis are more
resistant to the siren call of material success, but nothing is farther from
the truth. Israelis are easily as materialistic as any other group. The
difference between the
To put it another way, Jews in
On the contrary, there exists in
There are a number of factors which reinforce the impulse to be
absorbed, just as there are factors in
For example, it is not surprising that the Episcopalian church has been wrestling with inside forces intent on using the Church in support of the anti-Israel BDS (divestment) movement. Are these forces motivated by moral concerns over the Palestinian issue? Perhaps. But since these same voices never speak out against Palestinian terrorism, the idea is suspect. Is it rather simple old fashioned anti-Semitism? Possibly for some, but perhaps underlying it is this: assimilate or die! The good news on this is that it would mean that the Episcopalian anti Semites are not racial anti Semites; the bad news is that they’re still religious anti-Semites.
Here’s the bottom line: Protestants are happy to accept Jews as long as they don’t insist on being “Jewish.”
But the Episcopalians and other Protestants pushing absorption are not preaching to a hostile audience. American Jews look down their noses at the Evangelicals who love them as they are, but they suck up embarrassingly to the “elitist” Protestants. I guess, if you’re going to sell your birthright, you may as well make it worthwhile by selling it to the “upper class.”
In addition, American non-Orthodox synagogues are all-in with the Protestants on pushing the Leftist “social justice” agenda. Their excuse is that the Torah is all about “living the moral life.”
I’ll end with mentioning that religiosity has been under assault since the European 18th C Enlightenment when the burgeoning science identified the church as its competitor and enemy. This was not the birth of merely a branch of knowledge, it was the birth of an all encompassing new faith which was mandated to resolve all human problems including the moral and political. It is no coincidence that Marxism represented itself as a “scientific” solution to humanity’s problems. Marxism was the lineal descendant of the Enlightenment.
Russian intellectuals and aristocracy thought of themselves as
the pupils of Europe, primarily of
Those Jews tended to reject their ancestral religion as primitive superstition and took on the new European anarchist socialist doctrines as their new religion. They thought they were abandoning the superstitious religious past and committing themselves to the new modern non religious scientific doctrines of the advanced Europeans. They didn’t see that they were simply redirecting their religious needs and passions to a new narrative which didn’t include the word “God.” The transition was easy since traditional Judaism contained a strong moral component which resembled the messages of socialism. These Jews in effect retained their ancestral religion, gave it another name, shifted from the bible to Das Capital, and became its fanatic acolytes. It was a religion, nonetheless, and they gave it all the mindless uncritical passion and loyalty that is the hall mark of the religious devotee.
Many, many of these anarchist socialist devotee were among the
Jewish masses who found their way to the
This does not augur well for the future.
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